Albion College Prints

Albion College Campus 1812 Print
Wesley Hall Albion College Print
39. Albion College Quad 1898 143. Wesley Hall
Albion College Robinson Hall Print
Goodrich Chapel Albion College print
144. Robinson Hall 148. Goodrich Chapel
Albion College Observatory Print
Olin Hall, Albion College
183. Observatory 201. Admissions
Albion College Goodrich Chapel
Observatory Albion College print
148C. Goodrich Chapel - color 182C. The Observatory
Albion College Olin Hall Print
Science Complex Albion College print
141. Olin Hall 144C. Rob Hall, color
Albion College Robinson Hall Print
Stockwell Library Albion College print
203. Science Complex and Admissions 69. Stockwell Library
Albion College Wesley Hall Winter Print
Blizzard Albion College print
143C. Wesley Hall, Winter, color 202. Kappa Delta House

Albion College is a private liberal arts college located in Albion, Michigan. Related to the United Methodist Church, it was founded in 1835 and was the first private college in Michigan to have a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. It has a student population of about 1900.
The school's sports teams are called the Britons and the school colors are purple and gold. The school motto is " Lux Fiat" - Let there be Light.

Albion College offers approximately 25 academic majors leading to Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees. In addition to the academic majors, numerous concentrations, academic institutes, and special programs are offered. These include the Environmental Institute, Fritz Shurmur Education Institute, the Gerald R. Ford Institute for Public Policy and Service at Albion College, the Carl A. Gerstacker Institute for Professional Management, the Prentiss M. Brown Honors Institute, and pre-professional programs in engineering, medicine, and law.

Artist of Michigan Prints Maggie LaNoue is a third generation Albion College graduate. Her son Charlie is currently attending Albion College and is also involved with Michigan Prints and Albion Design.


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